
Happy Days

I love weekends, especially 6pm on a Saturday evening when I return home from work knowing I have a full two days ahead of me to fill as I please!

However, at the moment I'm writing a lecture to present to a group of students based on my studies and I'm beginning to feel a little nervous... Perfectly petrified in fact. Public speaking scares the living daylights out of me! I would rather throw myself out of a plane (attached to a parachute of course) or catch a huge hairy spider or even do my whole degree (from beginning to end) all over again... Well maybe that's a slight exaggeration but you get the idea that this is something that is really going to challenge me!

So it has been decided, I'm going to face my fears head on and hopefully overcome this little daemon! I will keep you posted on how it goes. Wish me luck.

Image by Klala Jugem.

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